Have you ever worked out more than you should have and woke up the next morning feeling like you might as well be dead? I did that. I rode one of our horses yesterday. Dan, our site "pet" palamino hasn't been saddled up in over two months, until yesterday. He was a little rusty and needed some remindin of who the boss was, but he caught on fairly quickly. Everything went well. Dan shines up like a new penny. He has a gait (little faster than a walk) like a champion stud. After two hours of re-training him in the machne yard, I was done. And now I get to feel it all day today. WOW. But it was worth it. Every Sunday, I have to punch in, feed the animals, get some chores done around the barn and then I HAVE to saddle him up and work him for a couple hours. Oh darn.
My four year old has been taking more naps than usual lately. Not for certain, but I think he might be going through a growing spell. Plus, you might think that a well rested child makes for a more pleasant child to deal with. Not sure about that me. He gets his mother's "no happiness" wake up gene as explained earlier. Ya have to be kiddin me. He stomps all over the house and calls me things I didn't ever realize he knew how to say, much less what they mean. Obviously, I have to address these words the second they come out. This just makes things worse. He's spending a majority of his fourth year in his bedroom and in "timeout". I feel this is definately something that could turn into one of those "Remember the time..." kinda moments. I hope. Or maybe that is the reason most of us don't remember our early childhood. I have probably blocked out most of my childhood I spent with my face in a corner because there's not much to remember of a blank wall. Ah geez. I could be creating blank wall memories for my kid right now...
1 comment:
go sit in the corner!
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