Sunday, August 26, 2018
Do I dare...
I have not touched this blog in over 12 years, and there it is. Like an old friend, reminding me of who I was and what adventures we were on in that speck of time. Before I posted this, I read ALL of my previous posts, and boy do I have lots of changes to put in here now. So much can happen in 12 years, and boy did it. This is my very quick post to mark my next beginning. It is summers end in 2018. I blogged about family life, siblings, soccer, politics, computers, horses and video games. I have much to recall from the past 12 years. So much. So SO much. And since it all followed me, it deserves some attention, as well as a fresh perspective.
Quick sum up: Moved back to Colorado, divorced first wife, remarried to second wife, the boys off to college and beyond. Intrigued? Wait, there's more...professionally, I am business owner, soccer coach for hire and...that might be about it. I lied. Not that much more. It is amazing how much less eventful life is when your kids are no longer living with you.
This blog will serve as my vent. I need it. So bad. Everything from the sum up is weighing pretty heavy. Nothing is where it should be and we / I am about to put it all down so I can reflect, revise and reassess. I am now in my 40s, life experienced and possibly a touch bit funnier. Join me, this could be fun for you and necessary for me...